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Discover the new Self-Service Catalogue of INDEX Fixing Systems

Self-Service Catalogue includes the launch of the blister’s restyling and the launch of the new EASYKits.
Discover the new Self-Service Catalogue of INDEX Fixing Systems

02 September 2016

Self-Service Catalogue includes the launch of the blister’s restyling and the launch of the new EASYKits.

INDEX Fixing Systems presents its new Self-Service Catalogue, that includes all self-service formats available for each product, making easier the choice of the best option adapted to the needs of each client.

The products are organized depending on the base material on which it is going to be used, dividing them in: Multimaterial, Wood, Hollow, Solid, Stainless, Sanitary and Metal.

The great innovation is the blister’s restyling, providing the consumer with more than 600 references whit bag content adapted to their needs. The two main advantages are the space profitability and an easier identification thanks to an attractive range of colors. The new packaging includes product photographs and use, as well as information about base materials. To make easier the reposition, the blisters are supplied tied together with a cable tie.

In addition, the catalogue includes the launch of the EASYKits. With the concept 1 Kit, 1 Solution, which help the choice of product at the point of sale.  In total, there are 21 different solutions to resolve the most frequently needs of a domestic client. Each kit informs about the content, usage mode and materials where to fix it.


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